Teacher and Teaching

Teacher – Guru

Those days when there was no technology yet people survived, people progressed, technology developed and knowledge spread. But how? It’s the teacher who was responsible for it that day. Today we have all the technology to get access to any information that you wish to, but those days when not even books were available it’s the teacher who was everything.

A guru who was a teacher was guiding, motivating, delivering, inculcating and more importantly transforming individuals. Many mythological stories have also shown the importance of the teacher in building individuals into Kings.

Now, I shall share my experience and thoughts on teaching and teacher. Like everyone I was also a very fun loving and a naughty student wanting to bunk school because I never wanted to attend math’s classes. But very soon I changed my opinion because of that math’s teacher who guided me slowly into the subject and developed interest in me for mathematics which is not there in many students today.

What next!

I then moved to next level that is 11th and 12th class where I saw two different teachers. One teacher who was more bothered about completing syllabus and gave me practically nothing and the other teacher who was motivating me to do wonders in life.

Then in the crucial stage of my life that is my graduation I’ve not seen a teacher who can be called as a teacher. Maybe I chose the wrong college but I was waiting for someone who can and come and teach but that remained as a wait.

Then came Post Graduation the final stage of learning and the wait and search continued.

I’ve seen people who are teachers in this place. I’ve understood that teacher is not the one who teaches but is the one who removes self-doubt. Teacher is the power that puts you in the path to achieve what you aspire for. He doesn’t inspire you but he expects you to excel and succeed in every step.

Success is the way of growth. Growth which is not monetary alone but which is earning respect, knowledge and wisdom. We admire few, we get inspired by few by reading what they’ve written or by what they’ve spoken. But the real teacher is not the one who just writes or speaks but motivates, enhances and importantly transforms you teacher himself.

I myself is a teacher now and I am ready to be that teacher who can transform not just individuals but transform India into New India.


Published by Sriram

A Teacher trying to Learn new things and explore the world each day! Believe in Happiness by the virtue of sacrifice and forgiveness.

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