Chapter 7 Gnana-Yignana Yoga Verse 10

Chapter 7 Gnana-Yignana Yoga Verse 10 Shloka Ye chaiva saattvikaa bhaavaa raajasaastaamasaashcha ye; Matta eveti taanviddhi na twaham teshu te mayi. Translation Whatever being and objects that are pure, active and inert, know that they proceed from Me. They are in Me, yet I am not in them. Interpretation Continuing to talk about Him andContinue reading “Chapter 7 Gnana-Yignana Yoga Verse 10”

Chapter 6 Dhyana Yoga Verse 10

Chapter 6 Dhyana Yoga Verse 10 Shloka Yathaa deepo nivaatastho nengate sopamaa smritaa; Yogino yatachittasya yunjato yogamaatmanah. Translation As a lamp placed in a windless spot does not flicker— to such is compared the Yogi of controlled mind, practising Yoga in the Self Interpretation In this sloka Lord Krishna is talking about the mind ofContinue reading “Chapter 6 Dhyana Yoga Verse 10”