Chapter 5 Sanyasa Yoga Verse 19

Chapter 5 Sanyasa Yoga Verse 19


Na prahrishyet priyam praapya nodwijet praapya chaapriyam;
Sthirabuddhir asammoodho brahmavid brahmani sthitah.


Resting in Brahman, with steady intellect, undeluded, the knower of Brahman
neither rejoiceth on obtaining what is pleasant nor grieveth on obtaining what is unpleasant.


In this sloka Lord Krishna continues to talk about the person who has immersed himself in Brahman as described in the previous sloka. He says that such a person will be resting himself in the layer of Brahman with an intellect which is steady and a mind that is not spoilt by anything else. Such kind of person who realises the Brahman in him, will not feel happy and celebrate when he gets what he wants. He also does not feel sad and grieve when something wrong happens to him. This is also an example of the steady state of the person.

Extending Interpretation to Mankind’s Life!

In this sloka we are focussing on a person who rests on Brahman and the person who remains in the steady state. This kind of message we have already seen previously also but it is connecting two things of meeting the Brahman and what the person does after meeting the Brahman. A person can only start going nearer to Brahman only when he renounces and treats everything equally. But what will a person do after he attains Brahman? First to attain Brahman he should have an intellect which is totally steady and he should not be deviated by anything that attracts him.

Next question is how long he has to practice that? He has to practice that as long as it becomes a part of your system. It will become a part of your system when he is able to do that task without any prompting or extra effort. If you keep a blind man in the house for one year, he will get familiar with every corner and after a year he will do things just like a person with eyesight. That is what is called as becoming a part of your system. Once that happens he will automatically get rid of pleasant and unpleasant and will start living happily in that steady state.

Published by Sriram

A Teacher trying to Learn new things and explore the world each day! Believe in Happiness by the virtue of sacrifice and forgiveness.

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